Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Days 6 and 7 check in.

We made it a week! That feels like an achievement. The past two days Steven and I have been completely sugar free. The boys are only getting a minute amount in ketchup and ranch, Sam less than Luke. Luke has a love affair with condiments, and it's going to take more than a week to get him off of them. But honestly, if that's the only place he's getting added sugar, I'm not going to freak out too much about it.

I don't seem to be having any withdrawal issues so far. I did get a headache this evening, but I'm pretty sure it was more of a, my kids are being loud and I'm trying to cook dinner type of headache, than a withdrawal one. Tylenol and water made it go away either way. I also had some pretty strong sugar cravings this evening, but I'm positive those were hormonal cravings. I'm curious how/ if those will change as I detox off of sugar.

We made it through a tough play date with Luke's friends, the host offered juice boxes, yogurt covered raisins, mini cupcakes! And thankfully string cheese. Luke asked for a juice box, but I gave him his water and while he wasn't thrilled, he didn't throw a fit. It's going to be a long time until he stops asking for juice and ice cream and cupcakes. I need to remember that he doesn't understand what it means when I say no sugar, and even Sam doesn't quite grasp the full meaning of it. This is going to be a long, slow moving process, but I have confidence we'll get it figured out eventually.

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